Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Tale of the Half-Orc Revolt

"No I will not rent you a room! Not as long as you insist on your half-orc slave staying here too. Take him to the slave quarters at the end of town, then we can talk room rates but not a moment sooner."

Lothar turns and with his fellow adventurers in tow leaves the Inn. Once outside they discuss their options and decide that for the night it may be better to play the role and avoid trouble in town. So off they go to get Lothar a spot in the slave quarters at 10 gold a night (expensive town).

The slave quarters is a huge open warehouse inside with a dirt floor and half-orcs in makeshift camps all around the inside of it and small campfires here and there with groups gathered in low conversation and cooking food. In the middle there is a slight mound that Lothar walks up in order to get a better look around and take it all in hoping to find a good spot to lay his bed or maybe even a familiar face.

While he is looking around another half-orc takes exception to his position on higher ground and approaches, "This is my territory, you get down now!" his voice booming through the open space.

Lothar fresh from battle decides this challenge must be met and although unarmed he lays into his aggressor like a true barbarian would. He leaps at his challenger with great ferocity tackling and pinning him down then proceeds to beat him until he cries out for mercy. Luckily Lothar has no interest in killing his own kind so he allows his enemy to slink off to a dark corner.

The guards having heard the commotion come in from both ends of the slave quarters armed with clubs and begin beating on the slaves who are still standing around where the action has just taken place, "Get back you stupid slaves! Break it up!" the guards are yelling as they club a young half-orc.

Lothar seeing this happen is enraged once again and attacks the guard who hit the young one, taking him out with a single hit. Another guard swings his club and hits Lothar solidly on the shoulder, and as he prepares to swing a second time Lothar swings around with the club he has just taken from the downed guard and with all his might connects with the guard before he can block and is separated from his lower jaw.

At this point the other half-orcs have taken to beating guards as well and in a short time there are 12 dead guards and some angry slaves with clubs. 

Lothar seizes the opportunity and returns to the top of the mound again and shouts, "It is our time brothers and sisters, we must show these humans we are not slaves any longer and escape to freedom!"

On his words they rush the doors forcing them open and a flood of 200 half-orcs pours into the city streets and before the guards can even react they have overtaken the gate and are running into the woods to their freedom.

Two days later Lothar and his party meet up again and over the nights campfire he tells the tale of the half-orc revolt.

This adventure happened during my second game session of playing. The DM told me he was not so sure he was ready for something like that to happen but it was well worth letting it play out. I hope I did the adventure some justice as it was a very memorable session and a lot of fun.

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