Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ermagherd busy busy busy

I started writing this entry about two weeks ago and then got sidetracked again, I honestly feel bad about that as I had hoped to get back into regular updates again.

So let me catch you all up to speed with where I am at in my current gaming.

Started running a game of LMoP (Lost Mines of Phandelver) using the 5th edition ruleset. It has been a lot of fun so far and to add to the enjoyment my daughter is running her first character as well in the game and doing awesome with it so far. It did take her a couple games to get into it but she has got it now.

Anyways our group plays by way of Roll20 even though we all work together and live in the same town, it just works out better due to multiple reasons. We do plan to do some live gaming together but probably more during summer for BBQ and beers outside while playing.

Our group also has a player who can only meet every other week due to his band rehearsals (he plays jazz bass) and since the rest of us want to run weekly the obvious answer is to start an off week game of course. So this week will be our first off week game.

I am not sure what else to update with except that I am really liking the 5th edition D&D, something about it seems more inviting to new players and DMs. I think it is a the more stripped nature of the rules leaving a lot more to DM caveat or house rules and home brew. I am sure a lot of this is due to the  only books out currently are the DMG, PHB and the MM along with a couple published modules, but honestly I am not so sure that is the sole reason. I am not experienced enough to say with any authority though so I will leave that to more seasoned gamers.

The off week game is going to be fully homebrew and open world instead of directed. Kind of want to see what happens when I just let the players decide what they want to do. I have a variety of dungeons mapped and populated, plenty of NPCs to interact with and a city for them to start in. I figure some rat chasing scenarios to get them leveled up a bit and on the road to bigger things.

Oh well enough of my rambling, got some dungeon building to finish up and make sure I have my notes all ready for tomorrows game.

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